light language coded art prints
- Digital File (Downloadable & Printable PDF) emailed to you
- * Save $5 on groups of 2 or more!
- ON YOUR ORDER: specify print #(s) shown on images below
PRINT: $30
- Hard-Copy Print (8.5 x 11″) mailed to you
- I hand-write a Light Language message just to you on print & energize the art for you
- Shipping included in price
- * Save $10 on groups of 2 or more!
- ON YOUR ORDER: specify print #(s) shown on images below, and confirm include your shipping address
- Please allow 5-7 days to ship
Copyright and Ownership: Files sent to you will NOT include copyright watermark over image.
Shakara puts love and energies into the creation of each unique artwork. Your purchase grants you access to the artwork (print or digital format), but not the rights to reproduce, share or distribute it in any way. Shakara still retains full rights associated with each artwork.
GALLERY (click to view larger)
Each artwork is encoded with Light Language, energy and vibration. They are energetic, healing and activating tools—to help you with transformation and accessing higher frequencies.
As artistic creations infused with energy, you can hang them on your wall or place them on your desk, sacred area or personal altar.
The energetic artwork activates your multidimensional senses to expand and make new connections, opening your creative DNA codes into mystic realms of understanding and remembering your own connection to Creator Source, your Divine Blueprint and your individual gifts and life purpose.
They make great gifts too!
Shakara is a metaphysical artist working on many realms and dimensions, bring in the Codes of Light & Creation into our current 3D world.
During the artwork creation, Shakara transmitted live Light Language verbally & co-created encoded message vibrations that were energetically embedded into the artwork with her Higher Self & various Star Guides.
Additionally, some of the artwork includes galactic script writing related to the image or codes brought through in the artwork.
Shakara speaks/tones/sings Light Codes, & writes hundreds of various Galactic Codes, Symbols and Scripts. This Light Language is an energetic vibration from higher realms brought down into consciousness through Shakara & infused into various creations & media.
The function of Shakara’s Light Transmissions is to help humanity raise their vibration, realize their true purpose & create new ways of living, manifesting & being…in our quickly evolving world that is shifting into higher vibrational consciousness.