Soul Portraits



Hand-drawn artwork of your personal Energy Frequency Signature…
PLUS spoken Light Language Message

  • Digital artwork: detailed digital custom artwork with Light Code art & script of your Unique Frequency Signature Portrait
  • Digital Audio File: spoken Light Language activation 
  • You fully activate these files by engaging with them together

NOTE: please allow a 5-7 days for Soul Portrait creation. Shakara will email the digital files once complete.


This is a detailed energy bundle of art with energetic vibrations of Light Language codes created digitally just for you.


Shakara first intuits your soul frequency and creates a digitally drawn soul portrait of your unique Energetic Frequency Signature. She then holds her hand over the portrait and receives a vibrational message from the artwork, which she speaks in Light Language and saves as a recorded file.


You are then emailed both the digital art file (you can view on your computer or print out), and the audio file of Light Language.


You activate this fully by looking at the artwork and simultaneously listening to the Light Language.

You can work with these files as tools for further enhanced activation as often as you wish, and print it out the artwork and place it on your desk or special altar area.


“This resonated with me…it unlocked deeper things for me. If this energetic signature reading could be likened to a portal-a door, so to speak, this reading became a key to open and explore what was within. As I was experiencing this, amazingly enough, I could feel only what I can describe as a discrepancy in space perception/depth perception, then a shuddering wave moved across my body, then I got a warm feeling in my forehead.”
– Gail J

“Thank you so much for this amazing work of art and translation. I’ve spent a little while meditating on it and have already felt a deep emotional connection to past life and longing to be “home”; I am humbled and inspired by your gift and feel incredibly blessed by what you’ve done for me. Please continue to share your gifts with us… I am looking forward to spending more time with the art piece and listening to the light language to continue to watch what unfolds…..”
– Jen B.

“Thank you again for being you and for your gifted abilities – and for taking the time to tap in and bring this forth. It is a real gift – of love and light! And so much real inspiration from powerful Source.”
– Claudia C.

“I love it so much – and it is also fascinating and I just also like to look at it in it’s vibration and colors and designs and be with the dimensional aspects.  I just love it… Thank you again for being you and your gifted abilities – and for taking the time to tap in and bring this forth. It is a real gift – of love and light! And so much real inspiration from powerful Source.”
– Jill G.



Embedded in the Energetic Frequency Signature is unique combination of color, shape and/or sound codes customized just for you. By “activating” the files, you realign your body energetics on a cellular and metaphysical level, enhance connection with your Higher Self, unfold layers of intuition and awaken your own personal Light Language. The activation process can happen quickly or gradually, depending on how and when you choose to utilize your Signature.


Experiencing these Signatures inspires full expression of your unique style of Creative Manifestation — to shape a lifestyle you love that’s aligned with your true passions and purpose. This can also help guide you through the global consciousness “Shift” that is now ushering in a new high-vibration energetic world in the NOW moment of your existence.


  • Deeper awareness of their life’s purpose
  • Acknowledgement of an inherent power that can be tapped into at will
  • Calming of tension and anxiety
  • Positive breakthrough of old beliefs and behavior patterns
  • Quick shift by choice into a new career, relationship and life scenarios
  • Enhanced awareness of and clear alignment with their Higher Self
  • Activation of light language communication abilities

Many people recognized or remembered hearing/speaking/manifesting a kind of Light Language in some form in their past. All recipients mentioned a new energized feeling in their mind and body overall, finding creative new ways of expressing and being themselves in the world with their own unique voice.

How The Soul Portrait is Created

(1) Shakara receives unique energetic information about you


Shakara & her Guides perform a multidimensional reading of your individual Energetic Frequency:

First, she intuits & absorbs an etheric essence of who she feel you are energetically.

Shakara gathers energetic codes of information about you from your Higher Self aspect—how you creatively process information, what your key strengths & unique skills are & what your being needs to fully embody living a passionate & self-expressed lifestyle of your dreams.

Shakara multidimensionally “feels” in her body and “sees” visual images (like a visual movie in my mind) of your unique “energetic signature”, and intuits the following:

  • Some elements of your past ancestral or star family connections/issues/accomplishments
  • How energy is moving through your body (currently, past and future), where that energy moves freely, and where it may be blocked for some reason
  • What you may be going through emotionally via etheric patterns — where you are stuck with some issue, what you have a desire to do or calling to do, and any issues that would be helpful for you to identify/realize/acknowledge/let go
  • How information “comes” or “appears” to you, your unique energy flow interpretation process, and your unique contribution/interpretation of it back into the world — through your voice, actions, work, livelihood, partnerships etc.
(2) Shakara creates your unique “Energetic Frequency Signature" Bundle

Then Shakara creates you artistic “Light Language” files manifested just for you:

To create any aspect of the Signature, she simply observes & reflects this into the artwork— this occurs for her simultaneously & multidimensionally as physical, visual and/or audible messages that are then written, drawn or spoken in inscriptions. This happens in the moment of the NOW as she is creating the Energetic Bundles or elements. Think of them as a starting point to trigger a memory of something unique to you and your unique offering is to the world.

Using “Light Language” (a combination of energetic codes selected for your enlightenment and expansion), she then creates a unique “Energetic Frequency Signature Bundle” which is embedded with information that communicates high-vibrational messages directly with your higher consciousness:

  • Shakara’s Guides manipulate the drawing to capture the essence of you as she intuits it as the energy moves through her system into the glyph drawing.
  • She visualizes in my mind’s eye a specific written language that supports the drawing which she incorporates into the Energy Signature.
  • She then puts her hand over the multidimensional artwork & feels the messages in the creation, which she verbally speaks through my higher self in an Ancient language  which she records digitally. This gets embedded through her hand into the artwork.
(3) Shakara emails you the digital files (audio file & digital art file)

When created, Shakara emails you your customized Energetic Frequency Signature digital file(s) which include the following:

  • DIGITAL ART FILE: Glyph Drawing (visual representation of what she energetically “downloaded”) PLUS Ancient Script Writing (written symbols carrying specific energetic Light codes about you)
  • DIGITAL AUDIO FILE: Spoken Light Language Audio (channeled phrases in response to energetics about you or in the drawing  & script)
  • PDF INSTRUCTION FILE: how to engage with & “activate” the Signature to unlock codes instilled in the files.

This Energy Frequency Signature is a tool that is relative to your individual vibration…how you use it is up to you & the outcome is different for each individual. You don’t have to believe or understand in detail how these energetic frequencies work to experience the benefits.

This is an energy activation tool that awakens your enlightened awareness to help you identify your unique life purpose & how to actualize your own powers of creation & manifestation. This bundle includes digital files—to be “activated” by you as desired.

The energy embedded in the art & digital file is not limited to the moment they were created or when you receive them—they can be used & “activated” anywhere, any time…once or repeatedly as chosen by you.

Intention of the Energy Frequency Signature Bundle

These Energetic Frequency Signatures are not “readings” like astrological interpretations or psychic intuition — they are more like an energetic connection Shakara makes with what she feels to be your Essence, and reflects it back through whatever translation happens to her during the process…a translation of a multidimensional communication and exchange process that occurs on many levels. What is important to understand is that these are inscriptions utilizing “The Language of Light” — an ancient form of energy transference that she has been (re)learning, that we also all do somehow in our unique ways, and have done in the past. Her intention is not to “heal” you or guide you in any way—this process of utilizing Light Language is precisely for you to awaken to something in you that will remember your own process, and remember how you have used Light Language in your own past lifetimes.

When you “receive” this material, especially multidimensionally, it validates, connects to and/or triggers something deep inside of you for yourself. That is why your own unique experience of these multidimensional files are so important—it is all about your own personal interpretation. The most important thing about this kind of Light Language is that you find your own meaning and interpretation in it. The message Shakara has received from her Higher Self as she creates these Energy Bundles is that they will help you activate DNA coding that has been dormant in your system—awakening those codes that are especially unique to you. Our global society is currently in the process of shifting out of a 3-dimensional experience of life and time and into a higher dimensional consciousness, into what is considered 4th and 5th dimensions…. while still maintaining our physical form and that around us.  Whether you consciously align with this belief or not, there is still an interactive experience you can have with these Energy Bundles.

Shakara believes these codes can ignite the process of shifting your multidimensional thinking to a higher vibration. We all must remember that we have the knowing inside ourselves about exactly who we are and our infinitely powerful capabilities and possibilities of what we can manifest in the world.  You don’t need to seek answers outside of yourself as we have been conditioned and taught to do for so long—you have been “coded” in the past with all the information you need to know about how to live, survive, be, exist, create, engage, accelerate, manifest, activate and collaborate in the world.  That is why, just like your with engagement with other works of art and thoughts and concepts and belief systems, it is extremely important to listen to your own voice, the meaning you personally intuit from any kind of exchange and the value you give to any thing that happens in your life.