Message from the ARCs:
During these intense times — choose to live in Love + Light + Joy. Remember a knowing inside of you that is incredibly powerful — all your thoughts + feelings do manifest the world around you. Look for the helpers, look for the signs of change… put your heart into love + do not fear “fear”, give it no power here…
In these days of intense transition, know that systems must always break down during the changing of the guard… YOU are the ones who change the world, from one act of kindness + one positive thought… we can be empathic for the suffering of others and still be determined to radiate joy together in the world.
Understand there are motives behind every action happening in the world… there exists the law of free will — you can also choose your own motives + actions to correct our collective destiny + steer this earthship together in a new direction. Inspire another, instantly forgive those who are not conscious of humanity, and love, love love.
The shift of ages is happening now, walk in gentle strength, no fear. There is light at the end of this tunnel because it becomes a doorway into a new form of living + existence.
Eye see it, feel it, know it. Eye know U do too. xox, love you all.