Energy Updates

Energy Update: 12-12 Gateway
Energy Update We are still within the 12-12 (Dec 12) portal influences now through the upcoming Solstice on Dec 21. Here’s a recent Message and empowering tools to support you during these shifting times: Working Within the 12-12 Portal Gateway Cosmic, universal and...

ENERGY UPDATE: Shifting Frequencies July 2024
This big message came in I wanted to share with you about our quickly shifting times and how it can make us feel...and how to manage it.Hi, this is Shakara, and I wanted to share a little bit about what's going on during these times. So a lot of people are feeling a...

ENERGY UPDATE: New Energies Coming In Our World Now
New Energy Waves Trust Your Internal Guidance & Ride The Wave New cosmic energies are coming into our world now and creating a positive shift. I sense them in a big way, and I bet you are feeling them also in all aspects of your life. These heightened frequencies...

ENERGY UPDATE: Solar Eclipse Reflections (#1 of 2)
Inspiring Reflection About the Solar Eclipse & The Sun -- From A Galactic Perspective- Transmission from The Sun, Arcturian Elders, Horus & My Higher Self Reconnecting the Sacred Hoop of Energy Through The Ring Of FirePART 1: Solar Eclipses Are Key Times of...

Custom Soul Portraits
This is an example of the Custom Soul Portraits I create for People-including activating Light Language.
Book a Private Session

One-On-One Guidance Sessions
With Light Language
Book an inspirational private Light Language Guidance and Activation Session directly with Shakara, to assist you on your continued Ascension life journey.
Read more about the Sessions — how they work, what you recieve and the wonderful benefits… and Book a session now!