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  • 8 1/2″ x 11″ PDF
  • 198 Pages
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  • 6″ x 9″ Paperback
  • Over 300 Pages
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The Transitioning Stages of Ascension

To Navigate Our Energetic Shift-of-Ages Now

 The information in this book has been gathered over the last 10 yearsfrom “Messages”  Shakara has downloaded from the many StarBeings she connects with. These are a group of cosmic and earthly beings who provided her with learning and understanding on a vast array of topics, and how all life is connected.

Now Shakara is guided to share this profound information with youto show you how to tap into the creative codes of light that already exists within you, to partner with them, raise your vibration and live a wonderful life multidimensionally during the new times we are collectively shifting into.

The world is changing drastically and we need to shift with it

Get tools and tips on how to awaken fully and reconnect with your Higher Self to shape your new reality—as it is occurring. Sync with the forces of the cosmos, the etheric energies, and get reconnected to everything. It’s a beautiful time to be alive, and everything is easy once you understand what’s really occurring, why it’s happening now, and where we are headed collectively in our amazing future.

Align with the universe and become fully in-lightened and empowered, master your true “Gifts” and abilities, and share them with the world in your unique way. Become the new YOU.

You are the Creator and artist of your life. Manifest beautifully.

You Will Be Guided On:

The Awakening
The Process Of Waking Up

The Shifting
Our Shift Of Ages During These Times
The Becoming
The Process Of The Art of Ascension
The Remembering
Remembering & Knowing
The Being
Moving Into The Future Way Of The New

You’ll Get Useful Tools:


What’s occurring in our world & why


Where we're headed in our evolution


How “The Shift” affects you & solutions


Process steps to navigate these changes


Easily raising your vibration & frequency


Becoming your own conscious life Guide


Master your unique creative abilities


Manifest a multidimensional life you love

We have entered into the New World, The New Earth,
The New Consciousness, and The New YOU.
Welcome, we have arrived.



The Art of Ascension
  • Ascension Now Our Shifting Ascension Times
  • This is a Multidimensional Guidebook
  • The Purpose Of The Book
  • Using The Book As An Activation Tool
  • This Book is For You, About You, With You 
  • Energizing Messages—From Me To You, With Love
  • StarBeing Messages

Chapter 1: Ascension Stages

Core StarBeing Messages—From Awakening To Being
  • The Awakening—The Process of Waking Up
  • The Shifting—Our Shift Of Ages During These Times
  • The Becoming—The Process Of The Art Of Ascension
  • The Remembering—Remembering & Knowing
  • The Being—Moving Into The Future Way Of Being In The New

Chapter 2: Meet The StarBeing Guides

The Messengers Who Brought Through These Messages
  • Overview of my “Consultant Team”
  • The Arcturians (The “ARCs”)
  • The Sasquatch (The “SAS”)
  • The Star Nations (The “SN”)
  • The Divine Feminine (The “DF”)
  • The Animal Nations (The “AN”)
  • The Elemental Nations (The “ELs”)
  • The Ascended Masters (The “TRI-SKELs”)
  • The “Shakara”/“Layooesh Tunila” (The “SHAKI”)
  • The “Guardian Alliance” (The “Guardians”)

Chapter 3: Becoming Shakara

  • My Journey Of Awakening
  • The Download Process Of “The Messages”
  • The Process of Writing “The Big Book”
  • Experiences & Connections With My Guides
  • Gallery
  • My Spiritual Work & Wisdom-Sharing
  • My Offerings
  • Connect With Me

Back Pages


The StarBeing Guides said, “It’s time to release the codes”. And so she did.

“What may appear as other-worldly, hyper-real & fantasy is very real in our world. All dimensions, realms & realities are here & co-exist at once, together in Oneness. Universal Galactic Truth is right here, right now, right in your world. Literally right within you. You carry The Codes of Creation. Awaken-up & BE. You are the artist and Creator of your life. All is just as it is & as you create it. Journey onward. You are the Being…that is Being YOU.”

Awaken Yourself, Remember…Expand & RISE

“Calling out to all awakening & activated LightWorkers, LightCarriers, Artists, Wisdom Keepers, CodeCarriers, GridWorkers, PathFinders, Energetic WayShowers,  Galactic Soul Brothers & Sisters, High-Vibe Tribe, Light Language Activators,  StarSeeds-Becoming-StarBeings & actualized StarBeings in the physical world…awaken and REMEMBER WHO YOU TRULY ARE.”

Spiritual & Soul Awakening Into Full Consciousness

Get awakened and stay present

“We are awaking ourselves, as we are being called to awaken our consciousness and re-tune with everything in the universe. We are the Ones we have been waiting for. We must choose our path and awaken ourselves now into a new world of our making. We have entered into an auspicious time of the Great Awakening of Humanity, the true Great Reset of energies, what I call “The Big Show”.  The “Awakening” is the continual process of becoming awakened, then staying awake, aware and consciously present throughout these full  shifting “Ascension” changes.

It’s a time of revealing all that has been hidden, including what’s already inherent from ancient times within humanity’s abilities. Literally, what’s inside you is waking up. It is happening naturally as part of an evolutionary progression. This Ascension of frequencies & creative energies is occurring uniquely for each person, based on their life experiences to date. And it’s happening to all of us collectively.”

Our Shifting Ascension Times

The Ascension, The Shift of Ages, The Great Awakening, The Event

“We are living in exciting and quickly changing times. All current and past life, energy and social systems are quickly shifting into new ways of operating that are much more holistic and connected. We are personally and collectively reconnecting to our Higher Selves, to the land, to community, to each-other, to all sentient Beings, and to the Stars and The Star Nations. It is the moment NOW to awaken fully to our divine nature and activate our true hidden potential—to create new ways of Being and manifest amazing things in this lifetime. We are collectively accessing our higher senses and creating a new future in the process. It’s a journey of becoming…more YOU.

This Ascension Time is about reawakening all our hidden abilities and using them in new ways, as we awaken from a very long and deep collective slumber back into full consciousness. Now we are awakening and stretching in new ways. It is a form of inner evolution, back into full awareness that exists on higher dimensional levels. We are returning to being multidimensional with full awareness. This ability is coming online now for everyone. I’m shown my Messages are from the future time that I’m integrating in this current timeline of me (and that can help stimulate this “you” in this current third-dimension), to prepare a way to evolve consciously into our near future states of being and living.”

We Are Evolving Into The New

“You are the Being that is Being You. The future is NOW. Each person is creating their own experience of Reality at every moment. Each of us is having our own experiences, while we are collectively moving into experiencing, becoming and Being new energies. “ The Ascension” is the rising of all vibrations, both within and throughout everything in the cosmos. It’s occurring right now. The more conscious we are, the more we can actively participate in directing our individual and collective destinies in the near future…with joy, ease and creative purpose.

Everything is “conscious energy” becoming fully aware of itself…including you. We are collectively evolving into a state of “Being” where we can intuit anything in a higher dimensional way, and begin to read and speak the “Codes of Light”. It is a “Becoming” of tapping into our superpowers, while it is a deep “Knowing” and “Remembering” of this ability that is already hard-wired within our matrix system of body, mind, soul, spirit and etheric energy. When we consciously connect to all these systems internally and work them together, we open new pathways of sensing, experiencing and “Being”. Then we consciously create from that center place of Being, and manifest the new reality of our choosing.”

Don’t Wait Any Longer.
Start Forging Your New Path Today!

Client Testimonials

“Thank you again for being you and for your gifted abilities – and for taking the time to tap in and bring this forth. It is a real gift – of love and light! And so much real inspiration from powerful Source.”

“Your continued light, magic, language work is blesséd and amazing.”

“I thank you from my entire heart for doing what you do and being YOU.  Much love and happiness”.

Absolutely Wonderful!! I’m speechless! You have helped me in more ways than you could possibly imagine. You are a remarkable, spiritual, gifted and loving soul. Thank You! Thank You! Blessings to you.”