Shakara Tosha

Press Kit


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Spiritual Vision For Our Shifting Ascension Times


Master Teacher & Guide of the Creative Art of Ascension

 Shakara Tosha is a Star Message-r, Galactic Messenger, Energetic Guide, Light Language Communicator and multidimensional artist who offers various light language activation services to inspire your lifestyle during these energetically shifting times. She’s a “creative inspirationalist” of Galactic service assisting the rise of frequencies to higher dimensions with joy and creativity, bridging ancient wisdom and modern life — encouraging co-creators to re-mem-ber their true nature, develop their unique soul expressions from the heart and manifest the creative life of their dreams.

New World, New Earth, New You. Welcome… YOU have arrived.


Master Teacher

The Creative Art
of Ascension

Shakara teaches “The Creative Art of Ascension” through her work. She’s had extensive personal experiences throughout her lifetime of connecting with “Star People” beings from other realms (which she refers to as her Star Guides), while attuning to higher frequencies and dimensions. She’s received extensive Messages and downloads about our world shift and other topics she’s guided to share.

She transmits high-vibrancy Light Language and Energetic Messages through her presentations, workshops, and private sessions that activate other’s creative DNA into higher frequencies and helps shift their consciousness to a new paradigm of living life fully awakened with joy and purpose


Let’s Connect

Contact Me

Shakara is available for interviews, presentations, conference panels, workshops and other group sessions.

She always shares Light Language Activations and Healing during her offering. She can share a diverse range of topics, or customize the messages in alignment with a specific Guide, Topic or Theme from her work.  

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