INTERVIEW: Pork N Pappy Show 2024

INTERVIEW: Pork N Pappy Show 2024

Had an amazing and very deep-dive marathon interview with my friends on the Prok n Pappy Show about all things Sasquatch, and other quantum topics…

I shared my direct experiences with the Sasquatch People and Tribes I’ve interacted directly with, and lots of other info during our dialog.


Click on image below to watch on YouTube:

Message: Divine Feminine Emerging

Message: Divine Feminine Emerging

This is a meditative video I created about the Creatress Returning and the Divine Feminine emerging in our world now.

“The Creatress Returns: Divine Feminine Emerging”

© Shakara Tosha. All rights reserved.


The Galactic Creatress is arriving…
divine feminine
essence emerging

She who has ALWAYS been and will always BE.

Ancient MOTHER of the cosmos.

She is ready to reveal from WITHIN us all.

She has many NAMES
returning to one unified SOURCE.

She enters our realm FULLY now
to MERGE with all of humanity
helping us REMEMBER the internal FLAME OF LOVE.

She MOVES in hidden dimensions
making her presence known to those who SEE.

She radiates the Light of LIFE.

Listening to all the elements of NATURE
she trusts her INNER instincts.

She KNOWS what to do at every moment.

Her INNER power is consistently stable
as she gifts us with tempering BALANCE.


With inner AWARENESS
she SEEKS OUT answers
within the cosmic sea of POSSIBILITIES.

With gentle STRENGTH and GRACE
she shares her PRESENCE.

She holds the sacred KEY
that OPENS all doors.

In tune with the ALL
she attends to her divine PLAY.

With fully opened HEART
she calls herself into BEING
with her ESSENCE, vibration and tone.

She KNOWS her own song
and SINGS her song clearly
so that she may be RECOGNIZED.

Nurturing and LOVING, she shares her Light.

She connects all BEINGS through her song.

Birthing new REALITIES
she VIBRATES onward.

Her LIGHT exists within us all.

She CALLS to us from within
to SING our unique SONG of CREATION.

We are SHE…and she is WE.

REMEMBER…and BE all you truly ARE.

ENERGY UPDATE: Shifting Frequencies July 2024

ENERGY UPDATE: Shifting Frequencies July 2024

This big message came in I wanted to share with you about our quickly shifting times and how it can make us feel…and how to manage it.

Hi, this is Shakara, and I wanted to share a little bit about what’s going on during these times.

So a lot of people are feeling a lot of energy fluctuations.

Many people I’ve talked to… including myself…are feeling things completing— like cycles completing, people shutting down, energy shifting, huge emotions that are coming up to be processed.

So if you’re feeling this way, know that this is part of the cleansing purification time of releasing everything, releasing old memories, releasing old belief systems and things that…really you can’t take with you into this new world. You don’t need them anymore.

So everything that’s happened in the past to you is an experience that you’ve had…to learn something. And when you understand and realize the test, call it a test, but it’s really a Learning…things that have happened in your life to help you understand about the world and about yourself.

When you look at it as…just an experience, it takes the weight off it.
It takes the heaviness of judgment of yourself…or others…or what these things mean, or how they’re supposed to fit in your life, so you don’t have to worry about that anymore.

It’s really based on how you feel about something.
So you know, your instincts, your beliefs, your thought forms about something can change.

So if something doesn’t feel right to you, you can adjust it at any moment.
You’re never, ever stuck.

There are infinite possibilities of many things that you can change whenever you want to. So, once you know that this is possible, you start playing with it, and it becomes
easier and easier as you evolve.

So we’re going through a huge time of release, of releasing old programs, old systems and that kind of thing. So we’re seeing it play out in everything…in politics, and religion and you know, business and relationships…and that kind of thing, family dynamics and all that.

So it’s a time of release so that we can get clear again… and start to evolve into another way of Being, another state of Being, another Consciousness. So…it’s an act of…it’s an Action that we do to rectify these energies, to find the balance, to release and complete things.

It’s like a cycle. Everything happens in the cycles. For example, if you have a challenging relationship with somebody, when you come to terms with why they were in your life and what you learned from them… and wish them well, and love them deeply…something shifts. And then you you start evolving into new friendships, for example.

And once you release these things, it becomes an experience and a Knowing that you can incorporate in your life as you’re moving forward.

Someone once told me—when we are on the journey of life, we come in contact with many people. Some people will walk with us many, many years and some people come in and out of our lives to teach and learn from each other.

So we’re all doing this collective dance. I really see life and everything moving around
as a dance. And so the less attached you are to it, but the more present you are
in the moment, you can understand the Messages, the vibration, what’s “the learning”, and continue to grow.

We’re constantly learning and growing and changing and evolving.
So this is part of the evolutionary process of these times.

So don’t worry if you’re having a hard day…it will pass…as they say “this too shall pass”.
We will get to times where it won’t be so hard.

So, it feels very challenging right now for people that are really awakening or evolving very, very quickly. It’s very easy, for myself included, to say… “Oh, well, this is really hard”. “Why does this…have to be so hard”? “What’s going on with me”?

And sometimes I just realize, you know, it has to be challenging in the way that it is because I’m growing so quickly and I’m learning new things…and it’s really for my happiness anyway. So when you don’t get stuck in the moment, but allow things to be as they are, allow people to be themselves exactly as they are…and…be yourself.

Be self-expressed and follow your heart. Do things that make you happy.

Constantly seek a vibrational level around you and around things that you’re doing that bring you joy, that you enjoy doing. And the more you do that, you’re raising your frequency. And it’s like it’s bio-feedback. You get into a different state of mind, things get easier, you’re attracted to certain things…

So choose what you prefer in the moment. If you are making a decision about anything, a lot of people will do a muscle test, they’ll say, “do I like this or that”?

So just ask yourself…have a dialogue with yourself internally, and say, “well, what would I like to do at this moment?” “What would make me happy?” And do that.

And then you’ll also understand that you are actively choosing to follow a path which you’re actually creating for yourself to move into another frequency.

You’re shifting frequencies all the time. We are pulsing on and off and on and off…
millions and millions of times a second.

So we’re here…but we’re not. We’re physical, but we’re also spiritual. And these two worlds are coming together very, very quickly. So, they all work together like dark and light.

Everything that’s a polarity always works with its opposite simultaneously.
It always carries that energy. So, there’s a lot more to say about this, but know that you will go up and down in your life…and this is part of moving forward.

It’s like waves of Light. You know, a wave goes up and down.
There’s no good or bad, it’s just having a high day and a low day.
It’s like being active…and then wanting to be quiet.

So honor all the moods, all the frequencies that you circulate through. You know, it’s like your playlist…you know, you’re circulating through being energized and then sleepy, and happy and then kind of dormant.

And then, you know, all these stages of Being are part of the human expression.

So—enjoy your day, enjoy your life. Keep in touch, and keep following me…
because I have a lot of things I want to share.

[ Light Language Message ]
That’s Light Language for… “I love you, and enjoy your day”.


PRESENTATION: Where Spirituality Meets UFOlogy

PRESENTATION: Where Spirituality Meets UFOlogy

Where Spirituality Meets UFOlogy
Panel presentation on the Conscious Awakening Network

The Galactic Gathering–where spirituality and UFOlogy intersect in a fascinating encounter.

Step into the extraordinary at Galactic Gathering: Where Spirituality Meets UFOlogy, a groundbreaking event presented by the Conscious Awakening Network Host. Join us for an unparalleled exploration at the intersection of spirituality and UFOlogy, where ancient wisdom converges with cutting-edge insights into extraterrestrial phenomena. Immerse yourself in a dynamic blend of expert presentations, panel discussions, and experiential workshops led by renowned visionaries and researchers. From deep dives into ancient astronaut theories to transformative encounters with consciousness-expanding practices, Galactic Gathering promises to expand your understanding of the cosmos and your place within it. Whether you’re a seasoned truth-seeker or a curious explorer, join us for an unforgettable weekend of discovery, connection, and awakening. Embrace the unknown and journey beyond the stars with us at Galactic Gathering.