Energy Update: 12-12 Gateway
Energy Update
We are still within the 12-12 (Dec 12) portal influences now through the upcoming Solstice on Dec 21. Here’s a recent Message and empowering tools to support you during these shifting times:
Working Within the 12-12 Portal Gateway
Cosmic, universal and earthly energies are wide open with possibility. This is a brief and powerful moment where we can choose to realign with all the vibrations of the universe.
12-12 is an activation code and a 3-3 master-number energetic gateway. During this Ascension shift moment these gateway openings continue to assist us all in refocusing everything back into alignment in many ways.
This is the commencement of a grand cosmic gate opening, like a glorious procession—the sky is alive with a series of huge shifts of energy. This build-up of energy between now and the December 21st Winter Solstice onward will be incredible. It may feel like challenging times…know that everything is becoming lighter and easier in the next few months for us all.
12/12 = a KEY date of transformation—the portal gateway will open wide with the Winter Solstice. Wow—lots of star twinkling and sparks, planetary alignments and Galactic Energy openings. Each planet and star carries its own system, tone and vibrational signature. Every one is connected, and when they move and realign within the cosmos they create new energy waves that are felt throughout the universe, especially within the human system. They are partnering with many Star People to help with our vibrational tone-up.
You will definitely feel the massive shifts of energy pulses, preparing us all for a big dimensional upsurge shifting further into the New. We are collectively manifesting this (consciously or unconsciously), partnering together with the continual incoming solar flares and the rise in Mother Gaia’s earth-heart pulse. We are opening to the New-of-the-New. I’m shown this has never occurred on our planet before—and how we each individually experience these changes can be as difficult or as smooth as we choose to make it. It is your Choice, it is your Life.
There is a purpose in all these chaotic, crazy and beautiful Energy fluctuations and worldly happenings—even though we can’t see the end result yet (or often can’t even perceive the tunnel we are collectively being steered into). These projected “matrix” confinements (from self or another source) can often feel like they are totally boxing us in (until we begin to realize the “box” is only an illusion of limitation).
I envision that this is all part of an up-lifting phase of this ongoing Ascension process, in tandem with what is occurring on the world stage. Global events we may be aware of often have deep layers of complexity and variable hidden aspects going on behind the scenes—many things, events and energies are not always as they appear on the surface, as big shifts in everything are playing out their course. Just ride with it and stay in the highest vibration possible that you can, from each moment to the next moment and onward. Our human-beingness has amazing potential and abilities. Begin to explore and tap into those new ways that are already in existence within you.
Our mind, spirit and bodies are recharging and creating new connections, new photons of light and crystalline structures. As Mother Gaia is re-birthing herself in higher vibrational frequencies, the dreamtime and galactic realms are piercing through into our dimensions and making themselves known. Starseeds and Starbeings are blending into full consciousness within our light body. Our Higher Selves are beginning to more fully blend with and integrate into our physical beings.
We are rapidly shifting into full “Rememberings” of our own unique expressions of creative abilities and of Light Language, and remembering the Universal Language of Light in all its multidimensional forms. It is the language of Love. A heart Knowing.
Many are revisiting old memories and rectifying them quickly. What may have been painful in the past can be revisited with a new filter—all is a learning experience, all makes sense and has a purpose. We can rest in knowing that everything is birthing forward, and brings deep joy to our hearts when we see the gift within every moment and exchange of energy. When we reframe our understanding of any situation, it is a joyous moment. This is a beautiful time to let go of all the energy patterns and outdated systems, to reinvigorate all possibilities in your existence as a human being on earth in this NOW moment.
Celebrate what there is to celebrate, let go of what needs no more embellishment or coddling, and dig deep to find your true voice of expression. It becomes a joy to reach out to others and provide support and encouragement, loving and respecting another person exactly as they choose to present themselves into the world. Celebrate and honor their uniqueness and courage of expression as only they can manifest.
The “New Earth” as many understand it is currently already here in our realm—we only need to adjust our perceptions, thoughts and feelings into it and create a new instance of our lives and identity every moment within the new frequency. Open your consciousness and heart, and it becomes clearly visible and easy to experience.
This beautiful gateway is recharging our emotional body and feelings, realigning our chakra systems and reinvigorating our Spirit to move forward with more conviction and confidence. We will be tested by the universe to ensure that we are choosing the highest vibration possible at every moment. Say “yes” to you. Say “yes” to all possibilities of LOVE manifest in all forms.
All old systems are breaking down, including old physical energies, external society structures, and systems that are not in alignment with true free will. Many new energies are taking shape at this moment, and the end of this year is a completion of a huge cycle for many.
We are in the midst of a massive awakening. Humanity will reveal itself in all forms. The full unity of the divine masculine and feminine energies in everything is blending now within each one of us, for Re-balance. Oneness. Choose the highest vibrational path you can walk, manifest what you wish and need in this new world, be who you ARE. Trust yourself, you know what to do. It is the moment of the revealing.
Each of us is creating a new aspect of the world, both independently and collectively—through our incredible, innate manifestation skills. Keep your thoughts, words and deeds as pristine as you are able to—and help others as often as you can along the way. Remove all limitations, and look for answers you seek within the cosmic sea of endless possibilities. Allow yourself to open to this full new portal energy, complete old patterns, and let them gracefully wash away.
Most importantly, release all fear—of anything and everything that is keeping you in limitation and holding you back. Joy boosts your immune system, and doing something that makes you or another person smile/laugh can easily help change your outlook on life in an instant. Have fun with your life. Gratitude is key. We are all in this together, you are never alone.
Remember that life at every moment can be exciting—it is alive and it is invigorating when we choose the highest state of joy. When we support others and their awakening by respecting their own Truths, by essence of the Law of Attraction, we more fully awaken and become present to our own Truths.
We are self-initiating and rebirthing ourself by choice into new instances of consciousness at every moment. When you feel stuck at any time, realize that those are past energies that are pulling you backwards. Let them go and be present in the now moment, and you will CREATE WHATEVER FUTURE YOU ENVISION.
Life may feel quite complex, at the same time it is truly very simple. Speak from your heart, speak your Truth, express your True Voice and True Self, and you will attract high vibrations to celebrate who YOU are. Be that. Put yourself out into the world of consciousness the best you can, shine your light, and choose to be FREE.
Know that the Star People are also assisting humanity during these transitions in many unseen ways, that will be revealed to everyone very soon. We are entering a new age of conscious enlightenment for everyone. Our world will be very different and we will begin to experience wonders—higher senses and abilities, ease of living, and new frontiers to explore together. It’s a joyous time to be alive! Sending you all blessings, love, and inspirational transmissions of happiness in your continued life journey.
Helpful tools for you to ease the shift:
- Be extra gentle with yourself (your emotions, mind, body and spirit)
- Rest when you need (your body needs a lot of recalibration to temper these waves of energies coming through)
- Warm/hot baths with Epsom salt (removes toxins and helps relax)
- Drinking water is always important to continue to flush your system (and these higher energies will “talk” to the waters within your body to help rebalance you)
- Body movement of any kind is essential to gradually assist with aches you may experience (as everything is moving and adjusting into a more efficient body template)
- Be open to receiving the insights and higher sense-perceptions these new energies are gifting to you (have fun with your possible new
- Experiences of time, space, intuition and instincts will be distorted— play with them to bend your experience of reality
- Get outside often (off tech and away from daily stressors)—find a quiet space to connect with nature and animals in any way and get grounded again (absorb the sunlight light into your skin/body/peripheral vision, touch a tree, connect with the Earth as much as possible, feel the wind on your face, listen to bird songs)
- Utilize your breath (to calm and clear your head, and reinvigorate yourself emotionally and physically)
- Temper your course, your emotions, your movements and life activities in a way that works best for you (only you truly know what works best for your overall system)
- When in doubt or need support, ask for assistance from your Guides, family, friends and energies all around you (you are never alone—when you ask for help, the universe aligns to give you what you most need at that moment)
- It’s important for us all to realize that heavy emotions are processing through us to be fully released—feel what you need to feel, put those energies in the correct place and perspective, and move onward
- Lighten your load with forgiveness and gratitude for any lessons learned that can help guide you in the future—this is a great time to say thank you, offer gratitude and release what no longer serves, to walk into a new state of Being
- Look for the helpers around you, and the heart of inspiration within your own core—this will get easier as we go forward and continue to recalibrate our energies
- Stay in your center, align to your essence of who you Truly know yourself to BE, and be open to possible shifts and changes in your belief system that might surprise you
– Shakara Tosha & The Star Guides