Disregard all the negative, old structures that appear to be unraveling in the 3D world — most negative activities shown are false flag receptors of those in power-over role-play scenarios to keep humans detached and separated from their true nature (reception through distraction) … we must come back together with our selves and others in Oneness and unity consciousness. The falling-apart process is always a precursor step of the new forming of any consciousness template.
Understand that you are here on purpose, with purpose and you are very important in this process of change and evolution of our society and Conscious — your new “roles” and tasks and joy and play will be revealed to you shortly:
We all have a contractual agreement (made by us before we went under the veil to come into earth bodies) with Spirit to be here in the world at this time to do this Work (your system and higher Guides will inform you more about this soon).
The Clarion Call is trumpeting out to us all — NOW is the opportunity we are being asked to be of Service to the Shift in the world and helping Gaia ascend with full Consciousness of all on Earth…and it is our conscious choice how we will engage, how much, in what way, and where our Heart is focused during this change. Our Faith in the Way will be tested and we must be very centered and clear in our intentions.
Forgiveness (of all and of others and of ourselves) is the way of letting go of all outdated systems that no longer serve us.
Almost everything you learned + belief systems you adopted/adapted to outdated and will not resonate with this new world — disengage from them and learn a new way of being in this new golden age and new earth as a new human
You are being presented with a multitude of ways to experience your life, moment to moment. Choose which path you will follow, as this is now possible in multidimensional consciousness — no judgement, just actively choose which infinite possibility path you want to walk… no need to ever judge self or others, just realign and recalibrate your path as you Walk your path… shift to a parallel reality into the way of living that suits you — this is your choice and your power in this new world. There is no wrong way or right way, but a Heart way that is operating with respect and support of all living in the NOW.
As we begin to let down the “veil” that separates our consciousness from the other dimensions, Star beings + elemental beings will begin appearing to you more in your visual field… be prepared to receive them and not be fearful of them, as they will appear to you if they trust that you will respect them and honor their ways. They are truly your Family as we are all connected, and they will appear and begin to teach us all new worldly dynamics that have been hidden from our consciousness up until this time.
Love + Light,
Shakara Tosha