Experiencing & Navigating New Higher Dimensional Frequencies

We are Now Operating at a Higher Dimensional Frequency

All living beings on Earth are experiencing huge waves of personal + galactic energy shifts into levels of higher consciousness, in the Now moments of our Collective Evolution. These changes are caused by many factors, most noticeably: a recent spiking of the Schumann Resonance pulses from the core of inner earth outward, the “Song of the Earth” (frequency vibrations emanating blue etheric energy which effect the electro-magnetic fields around the earth + our physical body blueprints) … PLUS the recent influx of higher frequencies to our planet (stardust from the photon belt that earth’s passing through, in tandem with magnificent solar flares radiating golden/white diamond codes of light on us, which our evolving crystalline body systems can now absorb more easily). We are each being “activated” from all directions, inside + out, and the effects of these vibrations are providing new opportunities for our higher dimensional selves to come “onboard”, so to speak, from deep within our personal body systems — generating a new energetic renaissance in our world.

We are now operating at a higher dimensional frequency within our full body systems — yet the perceptions many people (the “Collective”) haven’t quite graduated into understanding that this higher dimensional shift has occurred. Therefore many keep reenacting a 3rd dimensional existence + experience living in the same 3D world they have always occupied — recreating the usual 3D stuff + work + family dynamics + issues etc.

In the past many have experienced our 3D lives in the here-and-now, feeling a need to climb the spiritual ladder upwards to get to our “better” or “higher” selves (as if that’s somehow “above” us). Due to these recent shifts, our collective essence now resides at a higher frequency + we are being offered the opportunity at will to emerge into the 3D world as needed to finish some earthly business + let go of all that no longer serves us. My Star Guides (aka my “Star Team”) show me that our physical + etheric bodies function as a prana tube where we can travel between higher + lower states of density at will… all the dimensions exist simultaneously together in the same space, so shifting between them is as simple as changing your resonant vibrational frequency feeling.

A Shifting of Collective Dimensional Conscious Into 5D-13D Has Occurred 

I was recently in-formed that there was a shifting of collective dimensional consciousness into the 5th dimension in Dec 2012. Some people felt it very deeply (I experienced a huge movement in my auric + etheric field with many visions), while some didn’t “get the memo” energetically at all — due to each person’s coded level of awakening time + their empathic body sync with Mother Gaia. Nevertheless it happened, what the Mayans called the “end of time” was the end of our “traditional” or known experience of time. Everything is cyclical in the time band (which is affected + generated by gravity + spacial relationships), we were just beginning a movement cycle again at a new, higher experiential level. Time itself had split, moved, warped, regenerated itself… a natural process that occurs in multi-thousand-year time blocks (growth, entropy disintegration of systems, neutralization, then new starts).  Therefore, we became figuratively + literally “out of time”… while the majority of “the Collective” (all living beings walking the planet now) are now just beginning to feel the delayed reaction to this shift, like we’re perceptively out of sync with this + scrambling energetically to catch up.

Additionally, profoundly, I was also in-formed that in Dec 2016 there was another major shift higher into the 13th dimension (hard to comprehend what that is or feels like since it’s been a long time down our respective rabbit holes here since we operated in higher dimensional realities). We have now vibrationally expanded our perceptions of these higher dimensions + the multidimensionally banded energy fields where we now fully reside can be experienced from this high-resonating perspective. Our physical (plus spiritual + mental) bodies are not only absorbing a higher form of energy now, they are THE conduit for the change in our overall system.

Many people who are deeply entrenched in the matrix field of 3D-manipulated reality are just beginning to experience their first baby-step “ah-ha” awakening moments. Those of you/us who have felt this shift have endured a very bumpy ride, walking between these two worlds, needing to keep the 3D-factory-machine well oiled + churning (bills, kids, work, cultural beliefs + practices, daily engrained behavior, celebrity wish-dreaming, marketing doctrines + buying stuff, massive pop-culture engagements etc), while at the same time tapping into higher realms of energy + the special effects of it all — but somehow we all got through it fairly unscathed, ha.

People were sucked into believing that those appointed “power-over” individuals had the upper hand + The Collective just needed to go along with the program prescribed to them to be successful citizens for the “greater good”. I call this the “get-er-done” thought process, utilized by people who have remained entrenched in 3D distractions. This was due to the alignment of The Collective’s belief systems + literal/figurative buy-in to the agendas of the “power-over” people. I love this neutral phrase “get-er-done”… to me it’s a mode of being, a learned feeling of being in action while thinking we are making “things happen”, yet not considering that those making the decisions behind the smokescreen are the ones who are benefiting from these manipulations. The Collective have been making daily life choices we were told are good for us, while power-over factions are actively siphoning our energetic strands, a happening still unknown to the many logical, loving human beings. This all changing due to these new energy shifts in our world… our pineal glands, DNA + photons at a cellular level are being re-stimulated to function in new, higher-vibrational ways. We are all collectively waking up + looking around in this new worldly existence of ours.

Reception Through Distraction / The Medium is the Message

We have been experiencing the manifestation of the concept “reception-through-distraction”: the finely-architected agenda by those in “power-over” was to keep people moving so fast with fully booked schedules + desires for stuff as to make them appear + feel valuable to the world (the world of desired illusion which remains never really attainable, just the dangling carrot in front of us), persuaded to just keep consuming things. In pushing forward with this way of life, it creates and inability for the Collective to designate the “time” to focus their attention on what’s really occurring in the world and within themselves due to endless distractions — a well-tuned marketing tactic in full effect.

This is also the materialization of the concept “the medium is the message”, with a twist:  the Collective have become so mesmerized by the eye-candy + gadgets they we “thought” to desire so much that we don’t grasp true message delivered to us or it’s manufactured intention (note: my Star Guides often use funny word-plays…they say here we ARE “thought” itself that becomes a reality; also they are layering the concept that we are TAUGHT, as in a teacher giving us a programmed lesson; at the same time we become “taut” like a tight rope tether of control around us). In this way, people are deliberately distracted to miss the real value, purpose or energetic natural exchange that occurs in life + real human interactions due to the over-abundance of tech tools, devices, beliefs + other distractions teased in front of them. Attempts have been made to seduce us away from our True Selfhood, our spiritual purpose, our feeling hearts + the wisdom of self-thinking … the Collective has been officially lured into willingly believing + accepting that these imposed decisions were our choice  + were good for us. This, in reality, has caused people to willingly forfeit their personal free will + internal power they naturally carry (which supports self-growth, reflection, rejuvenation, true wisdom + heartfelt living connection with nature + the art of creation). On a  personal note, I enjoy experiencing the full spectrum of human living stuff-ness, but don’t get entrenched in it so much these days… like being in the world but not of it. I love tech gadgets, wizzadoodles, good music hooks, style + various tactile experiences etc, while I also will my spirit to move fluidly between 3D + higher spiritual dimensions as needed by choice, which we are all capable of doing; 

Yes, society on the whole does currently use + rely on the internet, smartphones, computers etc. to bridge the gaps in time/space with others, to connect + exchange info + passions, yet it’s not the sole way to connect with the world, nature + others. I intuit these external devices are a pre-cursor to opening our senses to the art of true telepathy + Light Language communications. There will be a time when the shrine built to high-technology will begin falling away + our powerful inner higher senses will come back on board fully (telepathy, auric field reading, chakra connection “blending” with other people + animals + concepts etc,)… these heartfelt + natural ways of connecting will again become dominant tools, while the tech tools will be balanced in rightful service to the natural essence of Creation + connection once again.

Navigating Through Many Worlds At Once Is Our Choice

The “Key” to this all is balancing both (actually many) worlds, at once. It’s the true feminine way of blending + living in paradox… all are included, all are celebrated, all are respected — the duality of opposites merges back into Unity. It’s an active choice of how we can live our lives.

We must begin to realize this is how the energy of the world functions + determine to reclaim our original power… to understand that this has always been our choice. Then, we must make a choice to Live + Walk this way in every moment. This is one reason we are in this 3D world of Gaia: the Earth is a school of learning to master our emotions + understand creation/manifestation in all its myriad ways… we can actively choose to Do IT, Live IT, Be IT. We have descended into 3-dimensional vibration here to actively choose to master the evolving into higher consciousnesses of Love + Light + merge back to the Source of all that is.

Another “Key” is to recognize the signs that the manipulated reality world is signaling to you deep within your unconscious + identify the source they come from. These have been embedded by the “power-over” factions with deliberate coded triggers priming you to interpret incorrectly as your own thoughts + reality, which is an illusion.

The more significant “Key” here is to see how the universe + your own personal Guides (aspects of you in all dimensions + other spiritual, elemental, star + guides) come to you + inform your daily life to “read” the energetic MESSAGES they are intentionally showing you. How you see + interpret those messages that may just feel like random coincidences (which they are not) will determine your current state of mind + your future, defined right now from the moment of understanding. This your true communication with Creator, Nature, Guides + Self, in action.

Have fun experimenting with this new reality you are individually creating with every personal impulse, will, thought, intention + action. Remember how powerful your vibrations are. You are co-creating blueprints of the new body vessel, our new earth, new world, new universe + new society — which we are all collectively evolving into through rapidly expanding creational waves of consciousness. How you choose to conduct your energies at each moment affects your life PLUS everything in the whole Collective of Existence itself. Make good, conscious choices + create new masterpieces of existence… in this Now moment, in this Now moment, in this Now moment, and so on, infinitely. Be Who You Truly Are.

Love + Light,
Shakara Tosha