Let Go & Write Your Own Blueprint Manual

Let Go & Write Your Own Blueprint Manual

You are here on the planet in this NOW moment to live out all your dreams + desires. All the experiences in this life’s journey (and your past lives—as we have been many people + places) inform you how to raise your own personal vibration, to shape your life to your liking + help the worldly Collective shift to a new way of interacting  — new community, new conversational + transactional exchanges, new ways of interacting with the environment, new art forms + new ways of being. Worldly systems (finance, culture, entertainment, food, etc.) appear outwardly to be falling apart at the seams, but this is part of the energetic transitional shifting process + has a purpose to create new ways of interacting. Coming onboard are new, open + inspiring methodologies + visionary actions taking place to shift the whole system that will completely redefine what our current world looks like and how it operates. All these will come to fruition in the very near future. Like the calm before the storm, the Sun is not too far away on the other side of the cloud, and it will become visible once the wind blows the clouds onward.

This is a processing time for all of us to review + let go of personal + collective past traumas (we all churn these emotionally/physically/spiritually), outplayed family dynamics + old behavioral conditioning we have been told that we thought defined our identity. Energetically, all is now coming up for “review” for everyone — to let go of these outdated energies once + for all, so we can move forward with a clean slate. This includes consciously reviewing our personal relationships with EVERYTHING (food, money, friends, family, work life, etc.), thereafter determining what works for us personally + what is no longer useful. We are shaping our own new personal paradigms in how we relate to the world, Nature, other people, friends + family, and especially to ourselves. We are truly coming “online” with our new abilities, desires, needs, + skills. For so long we have been collectively “instructed” to dummy-down, follow order, and feel as though life gets projected onto us as another character “label” — we have collectively functioned often in fear-based survival mode + reacting to things that seem to “happen” to us from “outside” ourselves.

Well folks, the energies in the world are truly shifting quickly and becoming fluid — due to many factors: galactically via the photonic belt the Earth and all her inhabitants are moving through, planet relationships, new photonics radiating down from the Sun to Earth and all her Creatures — including us Hue-man Beings (this new Sun/Photonic Light carries new energies + upgrading information to all our cells) + a real consciousness awakening rising among many people + planet Earth herself (Mother Gaia is a being of incredible intelligence)… Due to all this shifting, our bodies + minds are experiencing a change of… well, heart! Or I should say a CHANGE TO HEART — we as a Collective are deciding (consciously + subconsciously, and some completely unconsciously!) what is not working, what we do enjoy + actively choosing to live in other ways that are taking on many new forms — organic farming + getting back to nature (possible in the country AND city…rooftop gardens, farmers markets with local produce, locally sourced artisanal cooking), moving physically or changing work/job/life relationships + locations to create new surroundings that vibrate with the new “us” that is changing….  We are beginning to call in new Tribes of people + places that resonate with our new vibrations, worrying less about those people + places that no longer “fit” our new lifestyle + ways of expression. A kind of energetic changing of the Guard, on our conscious night watch rounds.

The byproduct of these shifting energies that many are now beginning to experience as physical + emotional + spiritual life changes are referred to as “Ascension Symptoms”. Humans are electromagnetic beings directly influenced by all of the Earth + interpersonal re-jigging that is going on all over us — because we have the same physical + spiritual makeup as these things that are shifting our consciousness. That could manifest as a need for extreme quiet + deep immersion in/with nature in some form; you might feel the beginning stages of heightened sensory perceptions (Sounds + Light take on a new intensity, your intuition gets heightened, you feel more compassionate or empathic with others etc); even babies + children may seem to catch your attention + your eye a bit more + differently… the YOUNG ONES are especially sensitive to the shifts in Energies (the younger set already arrive here in this world just wired differently + hit the ground running with an awareness of life-purpose work + fun to be done). All this to say, we are awakening to dormant abilities we may not have known exist in us until know, these special strengths + gifts we inherently have to manage our lives + Creatively Manifest what we need + want in new ways. Different people get “activated” at different times in their growth stages (some may be full-blown in the thick of these energetics, some may not feel anything or have a clue yet — but is coming to you soon). It’s like we just got (or are in line to receive, if it hasn’t quite greeted you yet) an upgrade — and there’s no blueprint or manual to refer to yet  that goes with the new “us” model.

We actually need to write our own personal guidebooks, because the manifesting change is completely unique to each of us, and only we understand our own unique wiring. So if you are feeling a bit wonky these days, know that much of your agitation, frustration, aches + lethargy could stem from these things. Nothing may feel “right” anymore or you may have no desires to do any previous activities you thoroughly enjoyed… and/or you may have crazy energy spikes + feel motivated to stay up all night to build a new project or turn your house inside out, and the next moment you want to sleep for 3 days straight. Yes, crazy-making — until you understand that this is just what’s happening + why, then you can flow with it + let your instincts begin to guide you. We need to be aware of how we operate in our unique ways as these shifts are occurring + temper ourselves with new ways of functioning, on our own terms. It is a conscious choice we are being asked to make now — to evolve + break through old ways of living + open up to ALL POSSIBILITY… or continue to choose to be controlled by outside forces, directives + decisions.

You have been in a state of cleansing + incubation… now you are coming out of your shell and need to shine like the Golden Light Beings that you and I all are.  I AM.  WE ARE. We have shifted from carbon-based beings to Crystalline-Vibrational Light Beings radiating Divine energy.  This is not a philosophy or a mental construct or a “happening” — this is a HUGE vibrational shift that is newly “existing” on many multidimensional levels of existence  … the choice is up to you to take the leap of Faith and believe this “Shift” in all it’s glory is possible and is truly happening in this NOW moment, or choose to stay on the fence + ponder + judge the mere possibility of this change even occurring.  That is one form of free will choice… you determine your destiny by your belief systems. What you believe you perceive NOW.

Learn to Speak with the Elementals Around You

Learn to Speak with the Elementals Around You

The elements (earth, fire, water, sky) around + inside you each carry unique codes of information that can help you chart what to do with your life + your next step. Each of these elemental groups are separate “Nations” that have their own properties, messages, qualities and language, and can be tools in your life navigation if you listen + understand them.  They are especially helpful when you combine them together — one, two, three or four — in any activity you do.

When you combine the elements of Earth, Fire, Water, Sky… to also include Ether, which is the ethereal energy in all matter that corresponds to your Heart Love vibrations (which are also a form of elemental energy)… you transcend dimensional communication at a higher vibrational rate into the 5th Dimensional vibration. You are, in essence, creating new energies, like spiritual alchemy… which will bring new Information (i.e. Creator Intelligence) into your realm for you to interpret + understand as you choose to do so.

When you listen with your Heart to the Messages you receive from your internal source + your Lightbody communication (how you are vibrating at various levels — physically, mentally and spiritually, as the 3 are all working together now), you will be guided to the highest form of living and experiencing life that is possible at that moment for you on your Journey.

Learn the language of Nature + the Elementals, and decipher what nature is communicating to you. All you need to do is be present in nature, quiet your body and mind, and just Listen to any sounds you hear and any impulses you feel around and inside you. Then you can begin to connect with Earth Gaia’s crystal consciousness and crystal kingdom, which are beginning to materialize now. We are physically and energetically One with Earth as we absolutely connect to + are present with Gaia (who is a truly energetic light Being) during her ascension to the higher levels of existence.

The Ancient Ones who carried very high frequencies throughout history and existed in ancient times are now returning to help on this ascension journey — they are beginning to manifest around us and in our world, and also they are descending into our very systems — all people + beings who are here on Earth at this time are an aspect of Them. It is very important now to learn how to listen to the voice of the nature elementals with your light body — they speak to you in various ways that you need to explore + find out on our own. If you request to be connected to them and be of service to Gaia and all her inhabitants at this time, you will be shown what to do and how.

Love + Light,
Shakara Tosha

During These Intense Times Choose To Live in Joy

During These Intense Times Choose To Live in Joy

Message from the ARCs:

During these intense times — choose to live in Love + Light + Joy. Remember a knowing inside of you that is incredibly powerful — all your thoughts + feelings do manifest the world around you. Look for the helpers, look for the signs of change… put your heart into love + do not fear “fear”, give it no power here…

In these days of intense transition, know that systems must always break down during the changing of the guard… YOU are the ones who change the world, from one act of kindness + one positive thought… we can be empathic for the suffering of others and still be determined to radiate joy together in the world.

Understand there are motives behind every action happening in the world… there exists the law of free will — you can also choose your own motives + actions to correct our collective destiny + steer this earthship together in a new direction. Inspire another, instantly forgive those who are not conscious of humanity, and love, love love.

The shift of ages is happening now, walk in gentle strength, no fear. There is light at the end of this tunnel because it becomes a doorway into a new form of living + existence.

Eye see it, feel it, know it. Eye know U do too. xox, love you all.

Play: It’s all for Your Growth

Play: It’s all for Your Growth

Play… have fun + celebrate little moments in your day (especially the most difficult ones).

Know that everything that happens to you is exactly what you need in that moment for your growth… and welcome it with open arms.

When you strip away all the Stuff…you can truly respect all that is in the world…
no longer reacting to what is happening around you, you begin to generate Light and Life from you and create exactly what you need outward as your gift to the world.

Love + Light,
Shakara Tosha